Stomach virus is when you get alot of vomiting ,diarrhea and a upset stomach. I ask my brother Joel when he got a bad case of the stomach flu. I ask him what were some of his symthos he said “Some of my symthos were an upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting and felt weak most of the time I was sick”. (He felt weak due to the fact that his body was losing alot of fluites). So what do you think was the causitve agent was?. “Well at the time I was kinda eating alot of food that was reallt unhealthy for me”. How did you cure your stomach virus? “Well the stomach virus got really bad I had to go to the hospital and there they gave he alot of fluites and a shot and over the week I started to feel better and then I got better”. How do you try to avoid the stomach virus now that you are better? I start to eat healthier and ate junk food more less and cut back on it I also wash my hands before a meal and try not to get near any of my friend who have the virus because it can be transfered on to another human.