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It’s caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). people have come up with a vaccined for chicekn pox, preventing people from getting it later on in their life. Chickenpox is more common in children, but if you get chickenpox as an adult, it will  be more severe and turn into shingles.


  • red, itchy skin rashes that spreads
  • rashes then turn into blisters that look like pimples
  • fever
  • abdominal pain
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • sick feelings

It’s better to have this disease when you’re young rather than getting it as an adult, because if you do it will be worse. Since the Chickenpox is infectious, it is better to stay away from other people. You don’t want others to be infected. If a pregnant woman has Chickenpox, the baby will come out with birth defects! The pregnant lady will also have many health problems.

Kids like to pick and scratch at their blisters. So their rashes may get infected, leading to even more complications. But the doctor does have antibiotics for that.