I remember being in the second grade and I had itchy arms. I was diagnosed with Eczema. No, Eczema is not contagious. Eczema is only irritation and inflammation of the skin. It’s a skin disorder that causes itchy rashes.  i remember having little bumps on the inside of my elbow for about a year. Eczema is due to a hypersensitivity reaction in the skin. Though it is mostly common in infants, adults can get it too. There is always an itchy feeling before a rash appears. And they last for a long time.

Typically, eczema shows itself as:

There is growing evidence to support the longstanding theory that eczema is caused by a genetic defect in the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), permitting environmental irritants, microbes and allergens to penetrate and eliciting inflammatory responses.

It’s been years since i’ve had Eczema, but i can still see some scars on my inner elbow, even though my case of Eczema wasn’t really bad.